St’át’imc Government Services Board of Directors
SGS has 10-member communities (the Participating Communities), as represented by each community’s Chief and Council. The Board is currently comprised of seven (7) directors, appointed or elected by the members. The Board’s collective skills and competencies directly affect the ability of the directors to fulfill its mandate, as such directors are recruited for specific skills and competencies.
The role of the SGS Board is to represent the SGS Members and the SGS organization in an ethical manner, ensuring effective and principles of good governance are adhered to by the SGS. This includes policy development, oversee financial direction and accountability, supervising and evaluating Senior Management, as well as inspire and build organizational capacity. Further roles include, organizing and supporting the SGS’s Annual General meetings, special general meetings, and supporting succession planning to ensure the Board always has access to a pool of competent and qualified candidates.
Current Board of Directors
- Chantel Thevarge (Co-Chair)
- Susan James (Co-Chair)
- Rebecca Barley
- Joe Frank
- Ernest Armann
- Gena Edwards
- Char John
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