JPF Mitigation Projects
The Joint Planning Forum (JPF)
The JPF is a mechanism for BC Hydro and St’át’imc Authority to collaborate on flow management and environmental mitigation projects in St’at’imc territory. The JPF was started in 2018 to immediately address mitigation from high flows in 2015-2017 and is in its fourth year. It was formalized in 2019 with the High Flows Settlement Agreement. The JPF is made up of 3 BC Hydro employees and 3 St’át’imc is represented by a political lead and 2 technical roles. As part of the settlement, the JPF is responsible for overseeing a $10 million fund for mitigation projects.
In 2022, the JPF’s term was extended 2032 to accommodate a 10 year “Interim Flow Strategy.” The intent of the Flow Strategy is to guide any modifications of the discharge from Terzaghi Dam to the Lower Bridge River and associated monthly flow targets. The JPF meets regularly to discuss flow management and is still using the original Guiding Principles.
The Joint Mitigation Team (JMT) is a sub-committee under the JPF and carries out the mitigation projects and strategies agreed to by the JPF. The JMT’s focus is overseeing the Horseshoe Bend Restoration Project and the Chinook Broodstock Collection Program and Fish Entrainment mitigation.
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