St’át’imc Businesses

Capital Planning

To maximize opportunities for St’át’imc business and members, a Capital Planning Manager (CPM) position was created at SGS. The St’át’imc CPM manages the process and information related to major capital work done in St’át’imc Territory. This includes access to BC Hydro’s capital planning and operating processes to identify business opportunities and match them to St’át’imc businesses and partnerships.

The role of the Capital Planning Manager includes:

  • Organizing a Quarterly Planning Meeting
  • Establish a process for tracking and reporting commercial business opportunities
  • Maintaining a list of St’át’imc Designated Businesses used by BC Hydro and other companies to easily identify St’át’imc businesses for contract opportunities
  • Providing a first point of contact for companies that intend to do work in the Territory
  • Managing the Microsoft SharePoint Information Portal for St’át’imc businesses and communities

This position also supports the education, training and capacity development related to the business opportunities within the territory by mapping capacity building opportunities to the business opportunities.

Please contact for any business-related inquiries in St’át’imc territory.

St’át’imc Business List PDF:

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