Heritage + Culture Overview

The mission of the SGS Heritage Team is to provide technical and management support to allow for St’át’imc to control all aspects of cultural heritage management in St’át’imc territory. To achieve this mission, the SGS Heritage Team is providing archaeological and cultural heritage services directly to clients, employing and training St’át’imc field technicians and Guardians on various projects, and providing archaeological and cultural heritage services directly to communities.

The Heritage and Culture of the St’át’imc Nation is important to our identity and deserves protecting. Our teams works to protect, preserve, and manage all aspects of St’át’imc Heritage in the territory.

Our focus involves monitoring impacts from industry to heritage sites, identifying unrecorded heritage sites and monitoring known sites. The Heritage Team strives to provide heritage work experience for St’át’imc and to work collaboratively with the St’át’imc communities to support their protection priorities.

One component of our work program is to monitor BC Hydro activities and ensure the protection of heritage resources. This work includes contracts for several BC Hydro Programs and Projects.

Currently, SGS Heritage has 3 active contracts with BC Hydro.

Another component of our work is providing heritage services to the District of Lillooet (DoL). This working relationship increases our ability to provide our services to any ground-altering work being conducted in the local area of Lillooet by the DoL.

  • Currently we have a Heritage Inspection Permit with the DoL
  • We are preparing work guidelines for the DoL with input from St’át’imc communities

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